
At Truro High we want each and every girl to reach her full potential and an important part of making this happen is the strong relationships that the girls build with their teachers and with each other.

Our small classes ensure all students are known and valued as individuals by staff who understand them. Our teachers know what drives each girl’s learning and they know when extra support or additional challenge is needed. Personalised learning is routine and no-one is invisible at Truro High, no-one can hide. Every girl receives the attention she needs to ensure she makes the best possible progress on her own tailored educational journey.

A guiding hand…

Our Form Tutors are first in line to encourage and provide a guiding hand to any girls who may need it. They want your daughter to try new things, to discover hidden talents and will nurture and encourage her to get involved. Our peer mentoring programmes are also crucial in the transition to senior school with all Year 7s joining our Big Sis/Little Sis programme under which they are paired up with a Year 10 student who can guide them through the change.

Friends for life…

Peer to peer relationships are also very important and our girls form close friendships that will frequently stay with them for life. They support each other in the classroom which forms a safe environment in which they feel confident enough to try new things and take risks with their learning. They are proud of each other’s successes and open about their desire to study. Our girls grow and stretch together, building their knowledge and pushing their own boundaries to achieve forever greater heights.

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