
The laboratory will offer girls from as young as four the opportunity to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), a separate subject which will complement the Science, Computing and Mathematics classes they currently have in Prep School. Prep 5 and 6 pupils will also continue to work in the laboratories with our Senior School specialists in addition to these new lessons. 

The facility is due to be installed by Christmas in order for STEM lessons to commence in January 2021. These will involve projects ranging from engineering and robotics to animation and orchestrating a mission to Mars.

Truro High PTA has also kindly pledged £2000 to go towards specialist equipment for the room.

Head of Prep, Mrs Katie Hinks said: “It is such an exciting development. There are amazing opportunities here linked to STEM and bringing all those subjects together for regular lessons is going to enrich that even further.”

“There are so many important skills that children get through STEM, the logical thinking, the problem solving, the collaboration, the creativity, the solution based thinking but also the way it builds the engineering mind and the technological mind is really exciting. It really is a 21st century subject and, even if girls don’t go into industry, it’s going to set them up with skills and resilience that are second to none.”

Head of STEM, Mr Jon Dean said: “This is fantastic and is going to give brilliant continuity with everything we offer as the girls get older. It means that when they arrive in Senior School, they will already well on the way in their STEM journey so we can stretch them even further.”

Truro High is renowned for excellence in STEM teaching and considered a national leader in this field. This summer, all grades in STEM subjects at A Level were A*-B whilst those in Further Mathematics and Physics all girls achieved grades A*/A.

Biology, Computing, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics all have their place in the curriculum and girls in Year 9 now also study Engineering as part of a brand-new life skills programme. Extra-curricular opportunities range from our Greenpower Engineering Team and studying Astronomy at GCSE to undertaking experimental scientific research and publishing white papers. Due to our excellence in engineering, Truro High is the only school in the country to be recognised as an official motorsport club by Motorsport UK.

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